20 Study Strategies for Finals Week (2024)

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Student Life

We've got 20 interesting ways you can study for finals this year.

Shawna Newman

November 16, 2023

Finals week can be the most stressful time for students in the United States, no matter what school year. Whether you're a high school, college or grad school student, we have your back with 20 solid study skills.

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20 Study Strategies for Finals Week

Prepare for your exams with these study tips, which can help you conquer your finals.

  1. Create your own study guide.
  2. While many teachers provide a study guide, creating your own can help you understand the material better. Outlining the important information you need to learn can be helpful, both in creation and to refer to during your studies.

  3. Ask questions.
  4. Your teachers, professors, and TA's are there to help! Ask them questions regarding the material and the exam so that you're prepared when test time arrives. For students in graduate programs, consider this your time to become a subject matter expert. '); }); apntag.onEvent('adRequestFailure', 'FastWeb_Desktop_Native_Inarticle_Placement_Slot_2_MpRGdmesoEir1TH3bnLJVg', function(adError){ console.log('adRequestFailure event: ', adError); $('#FastWeb_Desktop_Native_Inarticle_Placement_Slot_2_MpRGdmesoEir1TH3bnLJVg').wrap(''); }); apntag.onEvent('adError', 'FastWeb_Desktop_Native_Inarticle_Placement_Slot_2_MpRGdmesoEir1TH3bnLJVg', function(adError, adObj){ console.log('adError event: ', adError); if ($('.grid-x.in-feed.clearfix.hide').length == 0) { $('#FastWeb_Desktop_Native_Inarticle_Placement_Slot_2_MpRGdmesoEir1TH3bnLJVg').wrap(''); } }); apntag.onEvent('adBadRequest', 'FastWeb_Desktop_Native_Inarticle_Placement_Slot_2_MpRGdmesoEir1TH3bnLJVg', function(adError){ console.log('adBadRequest event: ', adError); if ($('.grid-x.in-feed.clearfix.hide').length == 0) { $('#FastWeb_Desktop_Native_Inarticle_Placement_Slot_2_MpRGdmesoEir1TH3bnLJVg').wrap(''); } }); }); } $(document).ready(function() { apntag.anq.push(function() { apntag.showTag('FastWeb_Desktop_Native_Inarticle_Placement_Slot_2_MpRGdmesoEir1TH3bnLJVg'); }); });

  • Attend the review session.
  • In-person or virtually, review sessions offer vital information you want to know about, including exam format, important topics, and key concepts.

  • Start early.
  • Know your final exam schedule. If you start ahead of schedule, you'll never be cramming the night before an exam. You'll almost always perform better in doing so!

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  • Organize a group study session.
  • It can be helpful to study in groups – sometimes. Evaluate whether or not studying with others will be beneficial to the subject as well as your learning process.

  • Study the stuff not on the study guide.
  • Study guides aren't always comprehensive – they're just suggestions of the main concepts to learn. Use your study guide for its intended purpose: a guide. Be sure to fill in the blanks with related information.

  • Take breaks.
  • You won't be able to memorize or comprehend all the material at once. Balance is key - ensure that you reward yourself with study break times to recharge and relax.

  • Stay well-rested.
  • There's a lot to be said about a good night's sleep. Make sure you're well-rested so that you can be fully focused during your exams.

  • Create a study schedule - and follow it.
  • Splitting the material into chunks you can actually achieve can be very beneficial. That way, you can keep track of what you've accomplished instead of looking at the big picture and getting overwhelmed.

  • Prioritize your study time.
  • Some exams will be more difficult than others. Some you may find easier. Some may be worth more of your grade than others. Make sure to evaluate all your exams to consider and determine the involved factors so you can study accordingly.

  • Study for the style of exam.
  • An effective study technique is to practice the exam as it will be delivered. If it's multiple-choice, you'll need to know definitions and concepts. For essay exams, focus on your understanding of all the concepts presented, with examples in mind.

  • Quiz yourself.
  • If you think about and create actual exam questions, you will likely become more familiar with what you need to study. Draft potential exam questions and quiz yourself so that you can set expectations of what you need to focus on. Think flash cards! Use index cards to create your own flash-card game of sorts. Ask your roommate or family member to help you out.

  • Meet with your professor or TA.
  • Oftentimes, meeting with an instructor can give you helpful hints for what to study and ways to prepare for the exam. Consider sending him/her an email for the best way to connect is for them.

  • Reorganize your notes.
  • Evaluate and reorganize your notes into what's important, outlining concepts, formulas, dates, and definitions so they're easy to understand.

  • Pace yourself.
  • Make sure you stay focused and don't burn yourself out. A great way to do so is to pace yourself. Learning and retention won't work well if you're studying for extended periods of time. In the long term, it's best to study in short increments. Take a break, reset, and study some more for final exam week.

  • Teach classmates.
  • Learning by teaching is a method that really works! If you work with a study buddy and explain concepts to one another, you're re-learning the material all over again. It's a great way to reinforce what you've learned and help someone in the meantime! Plan ahead to avoid pulling an all-nighter cram session.

  • Revolve your focus.
  • Switching up your subjects is a helpful way to learn everything for your exams while preventing burnout on one topic. Make sure to switch it up before your eyes glaze over! That way, you can keep studying for longer periods of time while maintaining your focus.

  • Color code it.
  • Create a system that allows you to color code material that's going to be on the exam by what's most important, less important, etc. This will help you focus on the most pertinent information and prioritize the material.

  • Visualize.
  • If you're a visual learner, it can help to create mind maps or diagrams to visualize how the concepts you're learning relate to one another. This is especially beneficial when learning concepts that build upon the understanding of one another, like in science courses.

  • Make it fun.
  • It's easier to focus if you adapt your final exam studying techniques. Consider quizzing yourself, creating acronyms, or rewarding yourself for a job well done.

    20 Study Strategies for Finals Week (2024)


    How to study for finals in a week? ›

    1. Avoid the Urge to Procrastinate. ...
    2. Don't Be an Insomniac, Get Some Sleep! ...
    3. Find a Space Conducive to Studying. ...
    4. Create a Playlist That Helps You Focus. ...
    5. Get Rid of Distracting Devices. ...
    6. Don't Be Afraid to Experiment With a Mix of Study Methods. ...
    7. Write Out Practice Test Questions. ...
    8. Work with a Study Group.

    How do I organize my study for finals? ›

    Making a Final Exam Study Plan, Step by Step
    1. #1. Figure out your goals. ...
    2. #2. Decide on a system. ...
    3. #3. Get a sense of how much time you have for studying on each day. ...
    4. #4. Fill in study topics. ...
    5. #5. As you work backwards, be sure that you are being specific. ...
    6. #7. Consider what happens if you go off your study plan.

    How to study for finals in 3 days? ›

    3-4-5 System
    1. Day 1: Do a basic review using your lecture notes or a study guide to refresh your memory. ...
    2. Day 2: Study only what happens according to the textbook. ...
    3. Day 3: Fill in the gaps you've found in your first two days of study, taking note of important details in your Day 1 and Day 2 study materials.
    Dec 7, 2021

    What are 5 study strategies? ›

    Top 10 study tips
    • Pick a place and time.
    • Study every day.
    • Plan your time.
    • Discover your learning style.
    • Review and revise.
    • Take breaks.
    • Ask for help.
    • Stay motivated.
    Mar 13, 2018

    Is 1 week enough to study for finals? ›

    It's better to plan everything ahead of time and spread out your study periods for at least one week before the exam. In this way, you will have enough time to develop a deeper understanding of the subject. For better long-term retention of knowledge, be sure to take regular breaks.

    How can I memorize fast and study? ›

    Simple memory tips and tricks
    1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
    2. Link it. ...
    3. Sleep on it. ...
    4. Self-test. ...
    5. Use distributed practice. ...
    6. Write it out. ...
    7. Create meaningful groups. ...
    8. Use mnemonics.

    How to study for 3 tests in one day? ›

    How to Study Effectively for Multiple Exams on One Day
    1. Determine What Will Be On Each Test. It is crucial to outline what will be on each exam. ...
    2. Rank the Importance of Each Test. Why should you rank the importance of each test? ...
    3. Schedule Out Study Time For Each Test.
    May 3, 2019

    What is a good study schedule? ›

    LIMIT YOUR STUDY TIME TO NO MORE THAN 2 HOURS ON ANY ONE COURSE AT ONE TIME. After 1 to 2 hours of study you begin to tire rapidly and your ability to concentrate decreases rapidly. Taking a break and then switching to another course will provide the change necessary to keep up your efficiency.

    How early should I start studying for finals? ›

    "The best time to start studying is at the beginning of the class. Set aside a little time each week to sit down and organize your notes and think about what's going well and what's going badly. Three to four weeks ahead of time is the latest that you want to create a study plan for yourself. Cramming is toxic."

    What is the 1 3 5 7 study method? ›

    When using the 2357 technique, you revise your notes and study materials over and over again, following a set schedule. In simplest terms, you revise your initial set of notes on day one, take a second look on day two and day three, then revisit them on day five and day seven.

    How can I focus 100% on studying? ›

    7 tips for staying organised and focused while studying
    1. Make a plan. ...
    2. Create a relaxed study environment. ...
    3. Take regular breaks. ...
    4. Don't get distracted by social media. ...
    5. Drink plenty of water and eat well. ...
    6. Reward yourself. ...
    7. Don't do all-nighters, you will regret it!

    How to cram for finals in 3 days? ›

    Method one: to break the material for 3 days

    Each day you devote your time and attention to a particular block of material. As a result, almost all of the material can be studied before the exam. You can split things just into three equal parts or by topic (combining related topics with each other).

    What are the 7 study skills? ›

    Active listening, reading comprehension, note taking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our study skills guides for students.

    What are the best study tactics? ›

    Active Study Strategies
    • Flashcards.
    • Rewriting notes.
    • Reread chapter summary & outline.
    • Memorize theories.
    • Reread textbook.
    • Highlight material.
    • Review highlighted material.

    What are the 6 study strategies? ›

    These six strategies include spaced practice, interleaving, elaboration, concrete examples, dual coding, and retrieval practice.

    How many hours should you study for finals? ›

    It really depends on your needs and how tricky the subject is. But as a friendly guideline, consider spending 2-3 hours studying on your own for every hour you spend in class. So, if you have a subject that meets for 3 hours a week, you might want to put in 6-9 hours of study outside of class.

    How long does it take to study for the finals? ›

    Aim to begin studying at least one month in advance.

    Set aside a little time each week to sit down and organize your notes and think about what's going well and what's going badly. Three to four weeks ahead of time is the latest that you want to create a study plan for yourself. Cramming is toxic."

    Can you study for finals in 4 days? ›

    Ideally, studying should start at least five days in advance of the exam to allow students an ample amount of time to go over course concepts and materials, and reach out to their instructor or peers if they find they have any questions.

    How soon should you start studying for finals? ›

    Not only does it cause more stress, but it also has a direct effect on my grades. According to The College Post, beginning to study for your finals at the earliest one month in advance is ideal. This way you won't have to work double time to squeeze a bunch of information into your head.

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