Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (2024)

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Curry House Style Onion Chutney is so easy to make!

You know those sliced onions that are served in a red sauce with poppadoms and samosas before the meal at Indian restaurants? Well, it’s a lot more popular than you may think. I get asked for this recipe all the time.

The fact that you are looking at this recipe means that you probably know exactly what I’m talking about.

So many Indian restaurants purchase commercial brand pickles and chutneys. It just isn’t cost effective to make their own. I think that’s one of the reasons this red onion chutney is so popular. It is always made fresh.

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (1)

About this onion chutney recipe.

As recipes go, they don’t get much easier than this. You can make this recipe exactly as you want it. Most people prefer the onion to be thinly sliced before mixing with the other ingredients. That’s not the only way this onion chutney is served though.

You might like to finely or roughly chop the onion instead.

Everyone has their favourite version of this famous curry house red chutney so chop and slice it the way you prefer.

Working Ahead

This onion chutney is best served super cold, right from the fridge. Therefore, you should make that sauce and get it chilled. As a result you will get the perfect sauce for the chutney. Slice up you onions and stir them into the sauce too. This can all be done a day or so ahead of serving..

How long will this onion chutney keep in the fridge?

This onion chutney will keep in the fridge nicely for a few days. I find it best though to serve the onion chutney about 30 minutes after you stir the onions in. This will ensure that the onion is still really fresh and crispy.

How do you serve curry house style onion chutney?

Just as you like. Pile it high on poppadoms or spread a little over tandoori dishes. I know someone who can’t get enough of the stuff and spreads his onion chutney all over the surface of his poppadoms like a pizza.

This easy onion chutney just plain gets it and you should serve it as you like. If it sounds good, do it!

How do you make onion chutney?

As you can see from the photos and short video, it really is easy to make this red cold onion chutney.

It only takes minutes to make and will keep in the fridge for 3 – 4 days. Therefore, if you are planning a curry feast for friends, you might as well get this one done early.

All you need to do is slice the onions and mix the red sauce ingredients. Then place the onion chutney in the fridge until you are ready to serve it.


Many people like a lot of sauce. Others don’t.

This is completely up to you so feel free to vary the recipe some.

In the photo below, I made some with a lot less dressing and then sprinkled chilli powder on top.

If you like a lot of sauce, go for it. Add more ketchup and/or tomato paste. Taste as you go. That’s what making these curry house recipes is all about. By tasting as you go, you will be able to get the right flavour balance for your taste preferences.

Those toasted cumin seeds… Do you have to toast them?

No. But personally I prefer the flavour of toasted cumin seeds in the onion chutney.

It’s the difference between bread and toast! By toasting the seeds, you not only bring out the flavour of the cumin but I think it makes the chutney more interesting too.

Step by step photographs.

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (3)

Get all your ingredients together and prepared before starting.

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (4)

Place all of the dressing ingredients in a small mixing bowl and whisk with a fork to combine.

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (5)

Add the thinly sliced or chopped onion to the dressing.

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (6)

Stir the sliced or chopped onion into the dressing. Be sure to check out variations above!

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (7)

So popular and so easy to make too.

What else?

As I mentioned above, this curry house style cold onion chutney can be made ahead of time. I suggest you do this because this of course isn’t the case with many recipes.

As it will keep in the fridge covered for at least three days so it’s one you can easily check off your list of things to prepare for that upcoming curry feast.

I recommend serving it with papadums and a selection of other pickles and chutneys like my homemade lime pickle and/or spicy vegetable pickle. You might also like to try this smooth garlic, chilli and mint raita.

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (8)

So good on popadums.

What to serve this famous onion chutney with? Here are some delicious ideas.

Pappada Vada
Home Fried Papadums
Homemade Stovetop Naans
Smoked Toor Dhal Samosas
Lamb Seekh Kebabs

Have you tried this onion chutney recipe?

If so, please give it a star rating in the comments below and leave a comment. I love receiving your feedback and I’m sure other readers of my blog do too. Thank you.

If you are not already doing so, please follow me on Instagram and Facebook for all my latest recipes.

Yield: 4

How To Make Cold Onion Chutney

Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (9)

This is the famous cold onion chutney found at curry houses around the UK. It's quick and easy to make and tastes amazing.

Prep Time10 minutes

Total Time10 minutes


  • 1 large onion - finely sliced or roughly chopped
  • 3 tbsp ketchup (I use Heinz)
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1 tsp red chilli powder
  • 1 tsp roasted cumin seeds
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp rapeseed (canola) oil (optional)
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Place the sliced onions in a bowl of ice water and put in the fridge for about an hour.
  2. When the onion slices are good and cold, drain the water and tap them dry with a clean cloth.
  3. Now mix the ketchup, tomato puree, chilli powder, cumin seeds and salt with the sliced onions.
  4. Stick in the fridge for about 45 minutes before serving.
  5. This recipe is perfect with papadams though I could eat it on its own!

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 34Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 166mgCarbohydrates: 8gFiber: 1gSugar: 5gProtein: 1g

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Cold Onion Chutney Curry House Recipe | The Curry Guy (2024)
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