RunAmok Mama’s THM Made Easy (2024)

RunAmok Mama’s THM Made Easy


By the book 'beginner guide'! UPDATED!


  • “THM Made Easy – A 'BUY the book' beginner guide!”
  • “You don’t need nothin’ but the book!”
  • “The ‘Robot Mode’ beginner guide to THM!”

Yes... "Robot Mode"... I went there!

As a successful Trim Healthy Mama and Admin on the official facebook groups, I am desperate (DESPERATE!) to share with you how easy THM really is – and following a methodical, one-foot-in-front-of-the-other, “robot mode” approach is the easiest way to achieve this success!

If you are:

  • STRUGGLING to make sense of meal planning;
  • FEARFUL you will fail because you don't yet understand the meal types;
  • TERRIFIED you will eat the wrong food, too much food, or at the wrong time...

Take a deep breath, exhale, then relax – because you are over-thinking!
I promise.

I have been where you are now, as have thousands of others. It is easy to “freeze up” when we feel overwhelmed – and that first step almost always feels like a “doozy”, but your dreams will never become reality unless you brave that first step!

Rest-assured, you do not need to fully “get” THM to begin a successful journey! In fact, you can learn THM simply by doing – We retain information more readily when utilizing all our senses!

Simplicity lends confidence to our step. No wild shenanigans. No fanfare.


  1. A healthy weight range is the “by-product” of better health.
    It is common with most "diets" to place emphasis on weight-loss, but nourishing and healing your body must be your focal point when following THM. Your “Trim” will come with the “Healthy”... so do not get ahead of yourself!
  2. You must not allow yourself the "luxury" of defeat.
    Sometimes, especially when we have really struggled with weight issues, we tend to "wallow" in self-pity and that won't get us anywhere good. Be prepared for the inevitable ups and downs on the scale - That is just the way of things. If the scale fluctuates in a direction you are not pleased with... “Suck it up, Cupcake.”

    Don't rush out and binge on something that will take you farther from better health – because self-destruction is no longer what you are about. Most of the time, that upward scale fluctuation is just water-retention anyway, so getting worked up is just silly.

  3. Familiarity. Plan for success.
    When I began my THM journey, I knew my meals had be enjoyable – because I would have given up quickly. Familiarity was key – I did not start out with meals containing weird or unusual ingredients; I started with “familiar” meals I knew I would enjoy... and desserts I knew I would have little difficulty mastering.
  4. Do NOT skim the books. Period.
    Understanding “why” is vital to your life-long success – but you do not have to “master” all the book information before you can be successful; You will master it by being successful. Deep, huh?
  5. Accurate weigh-ins.
    Women can experience hormonal shifts which cause weight fluctuations throughout each month. For some of us, this gain can be rather significant; I can gain 3 – 4 pounds during ovulation; It can then take up to 5 days for me to lose this weight.

    Do NOT get hung up on what the scale says day-to-day or even week-to-week.

    For consistent, accurate weigh-ins, use the same scale each weigh-in. Since weight can fluctuate several pounds from morning until evening, I weigh in the morning after I use restroom and before breakfast. *Weighing while "nekkid" will be most accurate... but you can weigh in your pj's, as long as you wear the same ones for each weigh-in.

  6. Take measurements!
    You will build muscle while losing fat, so it is helpful to take measurements, so you can chart your loss more accurately. For instance: If you lose 3 pounds of fat, you might also gain 3 pounds of lean muscle. Weighing would not show a loss, but the measurements will prove your body is becoming trim and toned!
  7. Make a list of reasons why you want to make these changes!
    Your dreams are important and will help you succeed! The list you make will be very personal, and will inspire you when you are feeling down; this same list will allow you to celebrate as you meet each new goal!

    Take a look at some of the following examples:

  • I want energy to play with my children.
  • I would like to feed my family healthier foods.
  • It would be nice to climb the stairs without gasping.
  • I would love to cut back on my medications.
  • I want to walk without my knees and back hurting.
  • I would like to bend over and tie my shoes without feeling embarrassed.
  • I would like to sit in a normal booth when dining out.
  • It would be nice walk around the block with my neighbor.
  • I want to go jogging.
  • I would really like to buy clothing in smaller sizes.
  • I want to hike to the top of our mountain.
  • I would love to go horseback riding.
  • It would be fun to go on a carnival ride.
  • I would love to run a marathon.



You do not have to be ultra-organized, or spend days preparing your menu. Do not get caught up in complex recipes or silly distractions.


  • Grab a pen and paper.
  • Open your book (either the original "Trim Healthy Mama", or the "Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook") to the recipe section.
  • Pick out 3 easy "S" breakfasts, 3 easy "FP" morning snacks, 3 easy "S" lunches, 3 easy "FP" afternoon snacks, 3 easy "S" dinners and 3 easy "S" or "FP" desserts. By "easy", I mean choose recipes which will be simple for you and contain familiar ingredients.
  • Jot the recipe names and page numbers down, so you have instant access to everything tomorrow.

Plan ahead for a "sipper" drink or two, to sip on each day. Good Girl Moonshine OR The Shrinker are great choices, but there are many more to choose from!

You may have noticed my emphasis on "EASY". This of utmost importance right now, as it leaves NO room for excuse. You barely have to work at this at all. You can't be hungry because you have plenty of food; “Emotional-eating" is covered as well, because you have something in your hands, or nearby, all day long.


  • Look at your list and METHODICALLY move toward the kitchen.
  • Open your book to the breakfast recipe you have chosen.
  • Make your breakfast as well as your sipper.
  • Enjoy... and take note of what time you are eating.
  • In 2.5 - 4 hours, make your snack/meal, depending upon your particular schedule.
  • Repeat for each snack and meal for the day.

Do this for (3) days, then you will change things up with some delicious, energizing meals! You will be ready for these wonderful, healthy carbs!

DAYS 4 & 5

  • Using the same recipe method above, go through your recipe section again, this time choosing "E" meals and "FP" snacks for 1.5 - 2 days. Don't forget your sippers!

Don't think about it.
Don't stress about.
Don't make it complicated.
Don't put it off until next week...
Just. Do. It.

DAYS 6 - 10

  • After you navigate your first 5 days, you may start over again, using the same or different meals. Variation will keep your body guessing, so do not get stuck in the "same old, same old" meal rut.
  • If using the original Trim Healthy Mama, review chapter 11 for more ideas regarding implementation, because once you are comfortable, you can change things up further by “free-styling”; if using the new "Trim Healthy Mama Plan", chapter 8.

This is to be expected. You will simply move forward, with your next meal. This is not about one meal, one day, or one week. It is about making a healthy lifestyle change, for the better.

Take a few moments each day to reflect upon your goals... While this is not a race, you are “in it to WIN", and you will plan for success... and you will follow your plan.

Because... YOU ARE IN ROBOT MODE and you will not be swayed from your course.


Do you like: Steak? Soufflés? Chili? Lasagna? Chile Relleno? Bacon Cheeseburgers? Pizza? Ice Cream? Whipped cream? Chocolate? Cheesecake? Muffins? Cake? Cookies?

Because my husband and I have lost over 80 pounds eating these and much, much more! Having, personally, spent well-over 20 years overweight or obese, Trim Healthy Mama turned my life around! It started with one, small, tentative decision: I bought the book, "Trim Healthy Mama"... and then I read it... and the rest is history!

Not a "mama"? That is ok! In spite of the name, this plan works for whole families!
My "Robot Mode", step-by-step guide - which you have read above - will walk you through the Trim Healthy Mama book with ease.

UPDATE! Since I started my THM Journey, great things have happened! THM has come out with a simplified book set - You now have a choice of the original 600+ page book, or the simplified Trim Healthy Mama Plan & Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook! The original book contains over 200 pages of recipes, and the new Cookbook contains over 350 new recipes! I love all 3 books!

What are you waiting for?!

For those who would prefer... there is another INCREDIBLE option which wasn't available when I first started THM! Trim Healthy Mama has a special membership site, complete with a state-of-the-art drag and drop menu planner, shopping list generator, thousands of recipes, a private forum, research materials, and more! Check it out!


8/15/2015 03:32:51 pm

loved this ! Thank you !


8/16/2015 03:18:07 am

So glad, Nadine! Step-by-step, methodically moving forward made things so much easier for me!

Kathy yoder

8/15/2015 09:44:24 pm

Where or how can I get hold of this book ?
Sounds like something I need to get me started again.


8/16/2015 03:21:04 am

Hi Kathy!

Aside from the Trim Healthy Mama book (which I have linked to above), there is nothing to purchase. The "beginner guide" is the free, step-by-step "how to" apply the book principles list I have posted above. Stress-free and without having to master the book principles before starting!


paulette defoe

10/2/2015 06:24:02 am

Is this Kathy Yoder in Dickinson, ND?

Angel Brodsky

8/16/2015 01:52:10 am

Thank you so very much! This is so helpful! You ROCK!!!!!! Again THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


8/16/2015 03:21:57 am


You made me laugh! Thank YOU for your sweet comment! <3


8/16/2015 11:06:10 pm

I echo Angle's THANK YOUs. I will begin my THM journey starting this week. Your guidance helps.

Val Snellenberger

8/16/2015 04:26:57 am

Great synopsis! Very helpful!!


8/16/2015 04:54:33 am

This is such a "duh" approach - why didn't I think of it? Ha! I've been dancing around really getting started for several months. I've bought the book, ingredients, and even made MIM so much I have memorized the recipe but as for actually getting started - it just was so intimidating. I am definitely a drive-thru-Sue so any excuse not to figure out a meal at home seems to do me in. You have made it seem very doable. Thank you!!!

judy wright

8/16/2015 06:38:57 am

u help me so much ladys like help us thank you

Shay Eccles

8/16/2015 08:04:40 am

I keep putting this off...It seems so hard and yet you make it sound so easy. Thanks you sweet girl you!!!!

8/16/2015 08:35:26 am

Thank you. These few steps do make it simpler. I've been trying to add everything all at once and getting a little confused.


8/16/2015 12:48:38 pm

This would be great printable. Is there a printable version? Great guide.


8/17/2015 11:01:25 pm

Thanks so much for sharing this! It is without a doubt exactly what I needed to read!

8/18/2015 12:10:32 am

I just wanted to say thank you for this post. This has helped me more than any other challenge I have read. I have "re-started" THM thanks to this post - this is my second day and the first went very well. This one has started off great too. Thanks again. I know you have encouraged many through this.


8/18/2015 08:03:51 am

Thank you so very much! I am literally scared to death just thinking about this journey. I lost 60 pounds in the past and swore I would never gain that weight back. Well, all it took was retirement and bam, it's back, but with it, more health concerns and no energy.
I like that I can tackle this day by day. It still seems scary to me but I am willing to give it a go. Thank you for breaking it down for me and giving me simple instructions. I need instructions.


8/24/2015 05:12:20 am

This was so helpful. I am overwhelmed after reading the book and didn't know how to start. Thanks.

Sheri Yonenaka

8/25/2015 06:23:25 am

Thanks so much for this. I do have the book. I detailed really bad. ? Do we have to drink the sippers or can it just be water? 2nd do we have to eat the snacks? I am at work and have no time for snacks?

Kimberly Yates

8/26/2015 02:29:56 am

Thank you for this. I have been reading the book and face book for a month
now. Started with changing one meal a day with a oolong shrinker(I was already a oolong fan). This approach is easy to follow.

Guerrera de Dios

10/2/2015 02:05:18 pm

Ok i need to read this book?
Where can i purchase.


10/5/2015 11:45:42 am

How do I sign up for your wonderful blog? Tried to find a mail link?


10/16/2015 09:27:47 am

THANK YOU so much for this! You wrote exactly what I neede to hear. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Sandra Dee

1/2/2016 01:44:50 pm

Finally, THM made simple to start instructions!!! Thank you :)


1/2/2016 04:53:40 pm

Hi Jaque,

OH goodness me - your tips are so fantastic. I have copied pasted and highlghted.
I love the ROBOT mode!!!
Now just one question(for now LOL) I sort of started a couple of months ago and am already really into the THM pancakes that I make for a week. BUT you mention choosing only S and FP meals? Is it not adviseable to start with E meals?

2/1/2016 05:17:27 pm

Thank you so much I have began t h m but not 100% but this is helping me a lot thank u again


2/7/2016 06:01:32 pm

Did you buy all the "special" products?


4/8/2016 06:58:11 pm

So sorry, Bridget - I didn't get notifications for a ton of responses here! Ack!

To answer you... Most of THM can be done easily without special ingredients. Many of us started BEFORE there were special ingredients, know what I mean?

Sweetener was a big one for me... and probably the only thing I *had* to have to keep on plan. Coconut oil isn't really a "special ingredient" but was hugely important to me. Then came some of the regular flours, like almond and coconut... When I started, the Swanson's Whey protein was still on plan, so I used that occasionally -- but, they changed their formula... so THM came out with a lovely Whey (THM Pristine Whey) that is terrific -- I don't use whey frequently, due to a tight budget, but I do use it at least weekly.

Now, I love the Baking Blend (but make my "Quick Mix" frequently as well. I adore the THM Organic Stevia Extract... but for baking use the Super Sweet Blend or Pyure (can be found at Walmart).


2/9/2016 12:54:36 pm

I think what is overwhelming me is trying to figure out how to gradually buy the ingredients in their recipes. It seems like baking blend, gentle sweet, whey protein, and "gluccie" are all important, but wondering if you have any tips?


4/8/2016 06:55:24 pm

Hi Jen,

I am coming into this realizing that my notifications were not making it to me!! So sorry!!

Most of THM can be done easily without special ingredients. Many of us started BEFORE there were special ingredients, know what I mean?

Sweetener was a big one for me... and probably the only thing I *had* to have to keep on plan. Coconut oil isn't really a "special ingredient" but was hugely important to me. Then came some of the regular flours, like almond and coconut...

Now, I love the Baking Blend (but make my "Quick Mix" frequently as well. I adore the THM Organic Stevia Extract... but for baking use the Super Sweet Blend or Pyure (can be found at Walmart).

Hope this helps!

Jennifer Jurden

2/17/2016 12:32:10 pm

You described me to a "t"! THANK YOU so much for writing this. I hope to put this to use tomorrow!!


4/8/2016 06:51:30 pm

So glad you found it helpful! I knew there MUST be others like me out there... ;)

Stephanie Todd

3/18/2016 07:06:19 am

I am so excited, the Trim Healthy Mama original is finally waiting for me to pick up at the library. This plan is overwhelming me from reading blog posts, etc, but this seems very doable. I would like to know do you have a printable version to this. What is the absolute most simplified version of this on the web. Thanks


4/8/2016 06:50:35 pm

Hi Stephanie,

So sorry I did not respond sooner -- My notifications had stopped, so thought this article had quieted down. Oooops! ;)

I hope you were able to enjoy the book and work forward with the basics easily!


3/24/2016 05:55:37 am

Thank you so much for this post. I sure needed it today. Not even so much about weight loss or THM, but just burnt out about cooking in meal planning in general. "Robot mode" is what I need to just keep getting it done right now. Thank you, thank you!


4/8/2016 06:48:57 pm

With my busy schedule, this method works well in almost all areas! LOL If I just dig in and move one step at a time, I tend to keep on track. Otherwise... Yeeeesh. ;)

Teresa Sewell

4/5/2016 08:17:47 am

I have been told that we must include some E meals everyday is that not so, me and my husband have a lot of weight to lose and we need to get it off as quickly as possible per doctors orders I have high blood pressure and so does my husband. Do you have a blog or something we can follow you on I would love to view it? Thanks so much for the Robot method I now think I can do this now.


4/8/2016 06:46:42 pm

Hi Teresa,

I am so glad you are working toward better health for you as well as your husband! :) This article here is part of my blog page -- so if you go to the top and click on the blog link, it will open to all my other posts.

To answer your question briefly, what works "best" for each person will vary somewhat -- but most of us do best with an average of at least one E each day. :)


4/6/2016 12:30:22 am

I own the book as well as the cookbook, however, I am so overwhelmed. I understand the S and E part...but crossover? FP? I know I need to start in robot mode, but I dont want to be stuck there throughout the plan and hit a "boring" level. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!


4/8/2016 06:42:43 pm

Hi Tammy,

My notifications totally failed me! I apologize for not responding sooner -- I don't think one can get "bored" with all the variety THM provides... It IS possible to get stuck in a "rut", if we just keep making the same things over and over -- So be sure to try at least one new recipe each week.

Falling back on your favorites, and quick snacks is a good idea - but variety will keep this all from feeling stagnant.

4/7/2016 10:15:21 am

I just started THM today...thank you for your encouragement. I've bookmarked this page and plan to look when I need a "You can do this" moment.


4/8/2016 06:40:12 pm

Hi Christine!
So glad you found this helpful... You CAN do this! ;)


8/28/2016 07:40:19 pm

Thank you for this! I have known about the plan since 2014!!! Tried it for a few weeks and I know it works!!!!!! This is such a simple approach you have written!!!! See I'm "young" single (who hasn't done much cooking) and been busy with school and work, some things can be hard. And meal planning is not my strength especially when it's just for me! I like the every 3 day approach and what you have said in the comments section about trying at least one new meal per week which would be very realistic! I have been either putting too much on my plate as in for stuff to get and meals to get or I have had too little. So yah thank you again!!!!! Wished I found your blog few years ago. Now to work on self control and self discipline..... Haha! Will be sure to let you know if your little post of motivation and easy trim healthy mama plan version helped me out! Yes credit goes to trim healthy mama but your robot mode is just slightly shorter than Gwens nest quick start guide (which I appreciate her too). To starting trim healthy mama for the how many timeth! Cheers ggms style!


9/9/2016 11:43:06 am

Hi Kira!

Very glad you enjoyed this! I really like Gwen's quick start as well. :)

Carol Bang

9/5/2016 08:48:04 am

Thank you! Wonderful information!


9/6/2016 01:51:34 pm

Tak sa mekit (Swedish for thank you so much) I'm on my way.


9/9/2016 11:41:00 am

Yay! So glad you found this to be of value! :)

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    RunAmok Mama’s THM Made Easy (5)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.