What is the Difference Between Date Parts and Date Values in Tableau? (2024)

Sometimes Tableau does not identify a date field as a date data type. Tableau may initially identify your date field as a string data type for example. You will be able to tell if Tableau identified the field as a date data type if you see the calendar icon next to the name of the field.

If you need to change the data type of your field then you can click on the data type icon next to the name of the field and select date in the menu. Depending on the format of your data, you may need to use DATEPARSE instead to convert the field. Please see this Tableau post for more information about how to convert a field to a date field.

What is the Difference Between Date Parts and Date Values in Tableau? (2024)


What is the Difference Between Date Parts and Date Values in Tableau? ›

Date parts break a date down into individual pieces. Date values in Tableau are the continuous version of your date field. Date values represent the date along a continuous timeline.

What is the difference between date part and date value? ›

The difference essentially boils down to dateparts behaving like a dimension as opposed to a measure which is how datevalues behave. This means that dateparts behave like discrete categories on the view whereas datevalues are more like continuous numeric values.

What is a date part in Tableau? ›

The DATEPART Tableau Function is used to extract or return a portion of a date. To provide the date component, use the first arg. YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and other dates are accepted by this DatePart Tableau function.

What is the difference between datepart and datename in Tableau? ›

DATEPART and DATENAME are discrete and respectively return an integer or a string from the specified date, at the specified level of accuracy ('day', 'week', 'month', 'year' etc.). DATETRUNC is continuous and truncates the date to the level of accuracy specified.

What is the difference between Datepart and Datetrunc? ›

Let's start with the difference between DATEPART and DATETRUNC. DATEPART returns an INTEGER value; DATETRUNC returns a DATE.

What is the difference between date part and date name? ›

DATENAME and DATEPART are SQL Server functions that return the same information but in a different format. The DATENAME function will return the character string-based date and time of a specified date whereas the DATEPART function will return an integer-based date and time of a specified date.

What is an example of a date value? ›

=DATEVALUE("8/22/2011")Serial number of a date entered as text.40777
=DATEVALUE("22-MAY-2011")Serial number of a date entered as text.40685
=DATEVALUE("2011/02/23")Serial number of a date entered as text.40597
5 more rows

What are the parts of the date? ›

In most calendar systems, the date consists of three parts: the (numbered) day of the month, the month, and the (numbered) year. There may also be additional parts, such as the day of the week.

What is the difference between date part and date trunc? ›

They both do very different things. One truncates a date to the precision specified (kind of like rounding, in a way) and the other just returns a particular part of a datetime. Note that here the field parameter needs to be a string value, not a name. The valid field names for date_part are the same as for extract.

What are the two types of data in Tableau? ›

Tableau supports seven primary data types:
  • String values.
  • Number/integer values.
  • Date values.
  • Date & time values.
  • Boolean values.
  • Geographic values.
  • Cluster or mixed values.
Feb 27, 2024

What is the function of Datepart in Tableau? ›

The DATEPART() function extracts a specific part of a date, such as year, quarter, month, day, hour, minute, or second.

What is an example of Datetrunc in tableau? ›

DATETRUNC () Function in Tableau

DATETRUNC function is used to truncate a specific date into the accuracy specified by the date part. E.g., DATETRUNC ('quarter', [Order Date], 'Sunday') -> which truncates the date field to the first day of each quarter, with Sunday being taken as the start of the week.

What is the difference between datepart and year in SQL? ›

YEAR returns the same value as DATEPART (year, date). If date only contains a time part, the return value is 1900, the base year.

What is the difference between Dateadd and Datepart in SQL? ›

DATEADD (datepart, NumberToAdd, date) - Returns the DateTime, after adding specified NumberToAdd, to the datepart specified of the given date. DATEDIFF(datepart, startdate, enddate) - Returns the count of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate.

What is a date value? ›

Summary. The Excel DATEVALUE function converts a date represented as a text string into a valid Excel date. For example, the formula =DATEVALUE("3/10/1975") returns a serial number (27463) in the Excel date system that represents March 10, 1975.

What is date part in SQL? ›

datepart : A string that specifies the date or time component you want to extract, such as 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', etc. date_expression : A datetime or timestamp value from which you want to extract the specified date or time component.

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