Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (2024)


Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (1)


ByJessica Cording, MS, RD, CDN/

As a dietitian and health coach, I help my clients come up with healthy, delicious foods that won't cost them boatloads of time or money or make them feel they have to march to a totally different diet drum from their friends and families. When it comes to easy entertaining, hummus is top of the snack-food chain (#ClichedForAReason).

Whether you make your own or buy from the store, it's convenient, budget-friendly, and versatile. That said, it's easy to get in a rut of the same old humus-and-baby carrots. Ditto pita chips. Here, I and other healthy living bloggers and dietitians share some of their favorite ways to dress up store-bought hummus.

Upgrade with olive oil

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (2)


A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil can elevate a tub of hummus to "fancy snack" status. You'll get rich taste and flavor, plus a dose of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats— the type that raises your good cholesterol and lowers the bad kind.

Try this tip from Dietitian E.A. Stewart of The Spicy RD. "Take plain hummus and top it with EVOO, smoked paprika, and LOTS of pine nuts."If you're allergic to nuts or just want to keep it simple, a simple drizzle will do, and don't be afraid to spring for the high-quality stuff — the first-class flavor is totally worth it.

Add herbs and spices

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (3)


It's amazing what a sprinkling of herbs and spices on top of or mixed into your hummus can do. Christy Brissette of 80 Twenty Nutritionis all about za'atar in her hummus. "It's an herb blend you can get at Middle Eastern grocery stores or make your own — sesame seeds, sumac, thyme, oregano and marjoram." Yum!

Dietitian Jessica Spirosays, "I like to give my store-bought hummus a Latin flair by adding chipotle chili powder, cumin, and chopped cilantro! I recommend starting with a quarter teaspoon of each spice per cup of hummus and increasing as desired. Serve it with toasted tortillas and you have a unique (and anti-inflammatory!) appetizer to spice up your next dinner!"


Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (4)


Stirring in some plain Greek yogurt is a great way to up the protein content and make your hummus extra creamy and satisfying. The protein helps keep you satisfied for longer — awesome if you're feeling super-hungry and know you want to eat a lot of hummus without going overboard on calories, as the yogurt lightens it up a bit. Ioften recommend this hack as a way to make a vegetarian sandwich more filling when you use it in place of other condiments.

If you hate Greek yogurt, any kind of unsweetened yogurt will do, or you could sub in cottage cheese, ricotta, or mascarpone. Enjoy it as a dip, spread on toast, or tossed into salad. This is a great option if you're running especially low on time or lacking a food processor or blender — you can just mix together with a spoon.

Add color and texture

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (5)


A little pop of color does a lot to enhance your hummus experience. Mandy Enright, a registered dietitian nutritionist, registered yoga teacher, and creator of couples nutrition blog Nutrition Nuptials, says, "I like to add color to plain store-bought hummus by stirring in mashed avocado, mashed edamame, red pepper puree, or beet juice. It gives the hummus a fun color and adds extra nutrients."

Dietitian WhitneyEnglish of To Live and Diet in L.A.also loves sun-dried tomato for adding a pop."They give it a beautiful color and delicious flavor!"

DietitianKara Golis ofByte Sized Nutrition uses spices that do double-duty as color upgrades. "I love adding turmeric and cumin (about half a teaspoon each) to store-bought hummus for a fun and tasty Moroccan-inspired dip. Not only does the turmeric add a beautiful yellow hue, but it also provides a punch of anti-inflammatory nutrients!" When it comes to other favorites, she says, "I've also been known to make shortcut beet hummus by blending roasted beets with store-bought original hummus and a dash of balsamic vinegar. No one can tell it's not made from scratch!"


Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (6)


Olives add a classic Mediterranean flavor and a dose of satiating, heart-healthy fats to your hummus. Dieititian Janet Brancato of My Nutopiauses olives to add some healthy richness. "I love to add olive tapenade and pine nuts to my hummus! It's great with vegetables and whole wheat pita."

Registered Dietitian Judy Barbe, author of Your 6-Week Guide to LiveBest, keeps it simple with chopped Kalamata olives and a drizzle of olive oil. Alicia Slusarek, a registered dietitian nutritionist from Northeast Wisconsin is also a fan of this flavorful garnish.

"When I fancy up a store-bought hummus, first I ditch the plastic container and scoop it into the center of a cute bowl. Then, I take a spoon and make a shallow hole in the center to add a garnish of olive tapenade." Feta cheese crumbles are an optional, but delicious addition to this variation.

Pureed sweet potato

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (7)


Whether you use leftover mashed or steam one up in the microwave and mash with a fork, pureed sweet potato makes a delicious addition to hummus. You'll get a boost of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants like vitamins A and C — not to mention that mellow, just-sweet flavor. For a fun color twist, try purple sweet potato. Unicorn hummus, anyone?

Need some spice with your sweet? Dietitian Katie Morford, author of Mom's Kitchen Handbook, has a great-go to recipe."I like to blend a small roasted, peeled sweet potato, a generous squeeze of lemon, and a squirt of Sriracha into one cup of regular hummus. It adds a kick of sweet and spicy, not to mention all the nutritional benefits that come in a sweet potato."

Canned pumpkin

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (8)


One of my personal favorite hummus upgrades is canned pumpkin. It's super-easy to mix in, since it's already nice and smooth and doesn't requite much more work than opening a can. Like with sweet potatoes, you'll get lots of nutrients like vitamins A and C and fiber but for fewer calories — each tablespoon of pumpkin only provides about five.

It's a great option if you're looking to lighten things up without skimping on nutrition. The flavor of pumpkin is pretty mild, so it won't overwhelm the hummus, meaning to can add other mix-ins if you like.


Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (9)


Creamy avocado is a no-brainer pairing with hummus. It provides heart-healthy monounsaturated fats along with filling fiber. Just be sure to use ripe avocado for easy blending. Because avocado has a very mild flavor, it blends beautifully with all different herbs and spices. This recipe from healthy living blogger Laura Hall of Sprint2theTable incorporates basil.

If you have time to make your own hummus, she recommends peeling the chickpeas for an extra-smooth texture. Aside from tasting delicious, meditative hands-on work that takes a while can be a great way to de-stress after a rough day.In a pinch, store-bought guacamole could work too. Mix with a spoon and call it your special secret recipe.

Roasted chickpeas

When I have a little extra time (and by a little, I mean, like, 20 or 30 minutes — nothing crazy), I love to roast some chickpeas to sprinkle on top (here's my go-to recipe). They're easy to make and add a nice crunchy texture that's a great contrast to smooth, creamy hummus.

DietitianMaria Adams of Halsa Nutritionis also a fan of this crispy add-in. "Drizzle with a little EVOO, sprinkle on some chopped parsley or paprika, and top with a handful of roasted chickpeas. So good!"

To incorporate even more crunch, Adams adds, "surround with colorful veggies such as snap peas, carrots, radishes, and bell peppers." Watch it disappear.

Top with bruschetta

You've probably had bruschetta, the classic Italian antipasto, in its traditional context of chopped tomato with olive oil and basil on grilled bread, but it turns out it's a great hummus-topper too.

Healthy living blogger Jenn Laughlin of Peas & Crayons shows us how a bruschetta garnish can take your store-bought hummus to the next level in this blog post. It's one of her favorite ways to sneak some extra veggies into her family's day when they need a little boost.

The bruschetta itself adds some cucumber and tomato, and serving up an adorable platter with a mix of pita and sliced raw veggies ups the nutrient value without tasting too "healthy."Enjoy this as a snack or appetizer.

Fold in roasted veggies

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (12)


This hack will take a little more work but is totally worth the effort. Dietitian Liz Weiss, the voice behind the Liz's Healthy Table blog and podcast, is a big fan of carrots.

"Dice up a few carrots and toss with EVOO, kosher salt, pepper, and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Roast until very tender. Puree and then fold into hummus for a vitamin A boost." This would also be a great way to repurpose any leftover baby carrots you have after getting sick of after snacking on them a few days in a row. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has this problem!

Time saving hint: If you make roasted veggies as part of your weekly meal prep, (excuse me, #mealprep) this is a handy way to use up any excess.

Sauteed Brussels sprouts

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (13)


Roasted veggies aren't the only vegetable game in town. Toronto dietitian Abbey Sharp, blogger at Abbey's Kitchenfinds sautéed veggies equally as delicious. Her magic hummus combo is to "sauté Brussels sprout leaves in olive oil and lemon. Then I mix honey, hot sauce, lemon, and olive oil and drizzle it all over the hummus. Finish with some toasted pecans and enjoy!"

If you're not feeling a big plate of green stuff or can't stomach the idea of raw vegetables (baby carrots again?!), adding some cooked vegetables to hummus is a great way to fit in a little extra and introduce different flavors and textures into a snack or a meal.


Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (14)


If you've never had tuna salad made with hummus instead of mayo, put this healthy — and delicious — hack on your to-do list, stat. DietitianBasheerah Enahora, Owner of NutritionBE, has the perfect easy recipe.

"I use store-bought hummus to make a quick tuna salad. Mix two tablespoons of hummus with two ounces of canned tuna, one teaspoon of garlic powder, one teaspoon of smoked paprika, fresh black pepper, a sprinkle of fresh lemon juice, diced celery, and presto, your tuna salad is ready!"

Make a pretty plate

Presentation is everything. For starters, pour your hummus into a cute bowl instead of leaving it in the plastic container it comes in. Take things a step beyond pouring some baby carrots on a plate or placing a bowl of pita chips nearby. Add garnishes on top and slice up some fresh veggies.

Dietitian and blogger Lindsay Livingston of The Lean Green Beanshared a beautiful Greek hummus platethat will be a hit at any gathering. It also makes a delicious afternoon snack if you need to add a little festivity to your day.

Use it as an ingredient in something else

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (16)


Hummus actually makes a handy marinade when you mix it with spices and maybe stir in some yogurt. Dietitian Katie Pfeffer-Scanlan of One Hungry Bunny says to try it "mixed with fresh chopped herbs as a marinade for tofu and shrimp skewers. The hummus is an excellent coating for baked chicken as well. Instead of flour, bread crumbs, and egg wash, you get a little heart healthy fats, protein, and fiber!"

Registered Dietitian Lauren Sharifi of Bite of Health Nutrition uses hummus as an ingredient in Mediterranean-style appetizers. Or you could put hummus in your tacos! Yes way. Dietitian Sharon Palmer shows you how in this delish vegan recipe.

Be creative

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (17)


Don't be afraid to try new stuff. Hummus is one of those foods that's so versatile, you can pair it with almost anything. Don't be afraid to get weird!Lots of my clients enjoy it with apple slices, and I've even been known to tuck some into an omelette or eat on top of a baked sweet potato. If you try something and you hate it, then at least you know what you won't be serving at your next party.

Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List (2024)


Ways To Dress Up Store-Bought Hummus - The List? ›

Next, enhance the blank slate of flavor with a few squeezes of lemon juice, a sprinkling of garlic salt, a turn of freshly cracked pepper, a heavy-handed sprinkle of paprika, and a generous drizzle of your nicest olive oil. Bonus points if you have an herby olive oil on hand with a little color to it.

How to jazz up store-bought hummus? ›

Next, enhance the blank slate of flavor with a few squeezes of lemon juice, a sprinkling of garlic salt, a turn of freshly cracked pepper, a heavy-handed sprinkle of paprika, and a generous drizzle of your nicest olive oil. Bonus points if you have an herby olive oil on hand with a little color to it.

How to serve shop bought hummus? ›

How To Eat Store-Bought Hummus The Right Way, Not The Sad Way
  1. Throw the hummus in a food processor.
  2. Sprinkle generously with za'atar and sweet paprika.
  3. Add a few glugs of good olive oil.
  4. Add some tahini.
  5. Make the hummus your base for a bigger meal.
  6. Stop dipping carrots and broccoli into it.
  7. Ditch the chips.
Jul 26, 2018

How to dress humus? ›

Best hummus toppings

Heat a small dry frying pan and gently toast a handful of pine nuts until golden. Mix 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil with the zest of a lemon and a squeeze of juice. Spoon the oil over a bowl of hummus and scatter with the pine nuts and a little chopped parsley.

How do you decorate hummus? ›

Drizzle with olive oil, then garnish with herbs, spices, and/or nuts. Make Tusk's Creamy Hummus with Cumin Recipe and use it as a base to play around with different toppings.

What can I add to hummus to spice it up? ›

Just a sprinkle of fresh herbs can add brightness to a savory spread and the grassy notes pair well with earthy chickpeas and tahini. Our favorites are parsley, cilantro, mint, and basil. Everything Bagel Seasoning tastes great on almost anything, including hummus.

What to dip in hummus? ›

  • The best answer to this is: Get creative! What foods do you normally eat? ...
  • Vegetables. Carrots, celery, green and red bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, you name it – can be dipped. ...
  • Crackers & Chips. Crackers and chips are a great thing to dip in hummus. ...
  • Fruit. ...
  • In Eggs. ...
  • As a Marinade.

How do you make hummus look fancy? ›

After scooping the hummus into a serving bowl, give the top a little swirl with the back of a spoon, then drizzle some olive oil, sprinkle the dukkah (or za'atar) on top, and give it a pop of color with chopped fresh parsley (or any fresh herb).

How do you serve Sabra hummus? ›

A favorite, healthy snack that is delicious. I love to eat my hummus with Naan, pita or Ritz crackers. Sometimes with cheese, apples or my grapes too. Hummus makes a great condiment on sandwiches too like ham, roasted chicken or even turkey.

How do you make hummus taste better? ›

Fresh lemon juice is essential for great hummus, so skip the bottled juice and buy fresh lemons—one large or two medium lemons should do. Fresh garlic adds a little spice and zest. I add one small clove and find it's just right. Add more for a garlicky kick, or substitute roasted garlic and make roasted garlic hummus.

What goes good on hummus? ›

What To Eat With Hummus: 23 Delicious Ideas
  • Vegetables. A colorful array of vegetables make for fantastic hummus companions, enhancing both taste and texture. ...
  • Pita bread. Soft, pillowy pita bread is the ideal vessel for scooping up creamy hummus. ...
  • Pita chips. ...
  • Pretzels. ...
  • Crackers. ...
  • Falafel. ...
  • Apples. ...
  • Chickpeas.
Aug 17, 2023

What do Egyptians eat with hummus? ›

As an appetizer and dip, diners scoop hummus with flatbread, such as pita. It is also served as part of a meze or as an accompaniment to falafel, grilled chicken, fish, or eggplant. Hummus is a popular dip in Egypt where it is eaten with pita, and frequently flavored with cumin or other spices.

How to plate up hummus? ›

To serve: Spread the hummus on a serving platter, using the back of a spoon to swirl it nicely. Spoon three-quarters of the tomato-cucumber salad (including the juices) over the hummus. Scatter the roasted chickpeas over the salad and dollop the yogurt sauce around the top (you may not need all of it).

What is hummus usually topped with? ›

Garnish with reserved chickpeas, a drizzle of olive oil, and a sprinkle of paprika and minced fresh parsley. Serve with pita, crackers, or fresh vegetables for dipping.

Should you add ice to hummus? ›

For extra light and fluffy hummus, adding an ice cube to the hummus mixture before blending helps incorporate air into the mixture. Only add an ice cube if you're using a heavy-duty blender or food processor that can handle chopping ice.

Why doesn't my homemade hummus taste good? ›

If your hummus is the right consistency or thickness but it tastes dry and pasty, it might be lacking a bit of oil. This recipe relies on the tahini to give it creaminess as I don't find olive oil makes enough of a difference to warrant the extra calories.

Can you add olive oil to store-bought hummus? ›

Hummus is high in nutrition, protein and of course, flavor! When serving hummus, we recommend transferring it to a bowl, making an indentation or two at the top and drizzling it with extra virgin olive oil.

How do you make store-bought hummus last longer? ›

“You can add lemon juice to reduce the pH and add preservatives, but these usually only extend the shelf life for a couple of weeks in chilled storage. As an alternative, you can pasteurize the hummus and this can extend the shelf life to up to 6 weeks in chilled storage.

How do you increase the shelf life of hummus? ›

The shelf-life of hummus decreased dramatically when stored at higher temperatures (10 and 15 °C) compared to storing at refrigeration temperature (5 °C), and the combination of potassium sorbate (E202) with citric acid (E330) extended the shelf-life of RTE hummus to 45 days [10].

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